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Acne Skin Care Basics

When you have an acne outbreak, do you know how to take care of your skin? Unknowingly, many people tend to use acne skin care methods that aggravate their present condition further. Take for example the notion that a patient must seriously scrub his face to take away dirt. Is this the correct way for acne skin care? Not quite. Here's the scoop.
Acne Skin Care Basics
Acne Skin Care Basics

First, it is important to understand the cause of acne before knowing what acne skin care measures to use. Acne is neither a direct resul of dirt or uncleanness. However, your acne problems worsen when dirt mixes with sebum and other skin debris to create a mixture which may settle in the pus of the pustules.

Medically speaking, acne is caused by many internal body factors such as a weak immune and digestive system, impaired internal detoxification system, and stress. Outside influences like weather elements, pollutants, humidity and the bacteria thriving on the human skin contribute to aggravate your acne. Ultimately, all these factors may not have effectively produced acne if it were not for the "P acnes", which digest excess sebum. The effect results in inflammation, swelling and pain.

It is not easy to pin point the cause of acne on your own. It is best to solicit the help of a dermatologist to help you determine the cause of your acne and to recommend an appropriate acne treatment. Notwithstanding, there are a couple of tips on proper acne skin care that you should be aware of.

The first step to good acne skin care is to minimize the sebum production to a level to sustain normal skin. However, in most cases, to treat acne, more needs to be done.

If skin oiliness persist, it is best to keep the pores open. The principle behind this acne care is to release the clogs in the pores and wash them out. The only way to achieve this is to wash the face with extremely hot water. Repeat this procedure to help repel skin bacteria.

In terms of acne skin care products, choose the ones that work best best for you. Select the acne care product that gently clears away the oil and dirt without leaving your skin dry and irritated. In fact, ,mild acne care works best for all skin types. This will require some trials and consequently, some errors.

It is best to trust your dermatologist recommendation first. If his recommended product does not work, then shift to other acne skin care products. This way, you are experimenting with acne care products that may suit you best. It is important to note that during your first applications, use small amounts on a small area so that any damage is at best limited.

Also, avoid alcohol-based cleansers as these may only dry out your skin. Dry skin is more vulnerable to serious acne outbreaks. On the other hand, minimize the use of oil-based products as these in themselves may add up to the pre-existing oil content of the skin. At any rate, an acne patient must avoid applying cosmetics, however oil-free they may appear to be.

Proper acne skin care methods can go a long way to help you in your acne problems. Good diet and lifestyle habits are other measures that you can also adopt for better glowing skin.

Acne Scars – Is There Hope?

Acne Scars – Is There Hope?
Acne Scars – Is There Hope?
It is estimated that eighty percent of people between the ages of fourteen and twenty suffer from acne. For most of us, acne is a short-lived annoyance during certain periods of our lives. Unfortunately,  for some people acne is painful long after the pimples have been treated. Scarring from acne is most common for those who have suffered from severe acne, but scarring can affect anyone who has experienced acne.

If you are one of the millions of people living with acne scars, there’s good news. There are many options available to diminish these unseemly blemishes. All of these techniques work to restore the normal, healthy appearance of scarred skin; it may not always be possible to get rid of all acne scars, but with the right treatment for you, no one will ever know you were scarred. Acne scar treatments vary in their approaches depending on the severity of your scarring and your budget. You should discuss all of the available options, costs, and side effects with your dermatologist.

Before we talk about the treatments available, we should take a look at why acne can cause scarring. The primary reason for any kind of scar is tissue damage. When body tissue is damaged, our body tries to heal and protect it from infection. In the case of acne, dead skin cells block the body’s pores, preventing the secretion of natural oils in the skin. This creates a perfect environment for bacteria to grow, which irritates the skin and causes acne. When acne is aggravated due to harsh scrubbing or other forms of physical attention, it further aggravates the condition and harms the sensitive skin tissue. When the skin finally is able to heal, a scar is left behind.

One of the most popular acne scar treatment techniques is injecting collagen under the surface of the scarred skin. Collagen puffs out the skin and evens out the scarred area, making acne less noticeable. Another important acne scar treatment technique is what is called autologous fat transfer. This process makes use of your own body’s fat. Fat is taken from another part of your body and is injected into the affected part, filling up the scar.

This technique requires repeated applications because the fat is eventually absorbed into the body, making the scar noticeable once again. Your dermatologist may suggest you try laser treatments or dermabrasion. Both of these techniques are very effective. In the most extreme cases, skin grafting and skin surgery may be considered.

Keep in mind that these are only a small number of the options available for acne scar treatment.

Acne Prevention - Do and Dont's

Acne Prevention - Do and Dont's
Acne Prevention - Do and Dont's
As stated in the previous pages, pimples are not the result of poor hygiene nor are they caused by foods. Having said this, you can aggravate your pimples and worsen your condition. So pay close attention to the information on this page so as to not deteriorate your condition further.


  • Use skincare products that will not 'clog pores', they are usually described as 'oil-free' and/or 'non-comedogenic' on the package.
  • Skin care should include: a mild cleanser and application of a non-comedogenic sunscreen on sun-exposed surfaces.
  • Gently wash your face twice a day using mild face cleanser and pat dry.
  • When you are washing your face, be sure you take the time to remove all of your makeup.
  • Be patient! Treatment may take a few weeks to start having useful effects.
  • Remember that all of the treatments only work by preventing new spots and that all treatments have to be tried for at least four months before you decide whether they are helping.
  • Some acne products can increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight and ultraviolet light from tanning booths so use protective clothing and sunscreens and avoid tanning booths.
  • If irritation, dryness and peeling occur, an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer can be used.
  • If your skin is getting too irritated, red or dry while undergoing a topical treatment, then start using them every other day. It takes time for your skin to adapt to your new medicines.
  • If you have long hair that touches your face, be sure to wash it frequently enough to keep oil away. Also wash your face after you've been exercising hard and sweating a lot. And try not to touch your face throughout the day.


  • Avoid thick, greasy make-up over affected areas. Some make-up is acceptable but try to choose "non-comedogenic" cosmetics if possible.
  • Resist the temptation to squeeze your acne. This can cause the area to spread and become more inflamed and therefore more likely to scar.
  • Do not use harsh soaps when washing face. Vigorously washing and scrubbing will irritate your skin and only make your acne worse.
  • Avoid things that may aggravate your acne such as oils, airborne grease, irritating clothing etc.
  • Avoid covering yourself with thick layers of make up, and if you do, wash it off as soon as you can, certainly do not leave on overnight.
  • Avoid strongly fragranced or alcohol based products.
  • Avoid from hair sprays or gels, try to keep them away from your face, as they can also clog up pores.
  • Acne isn't really helped by the sun, either. Although a suntan can temporarily make acne look less severe, it won't help it go away permanently. So don't soak up those rays - either under the sun or from a tanning bed - in an effort to help your skin.
  • Avoid wearing hats or headbands that rub on your forehead, since this can also make acne worse.
  • Avoid touching your face a lot, as your hands have oil on them and this can make acne worse.

Individual pimples can take up to 2 or 3 months to form even though they may appear to "pop-up" overnight. Thus, although there is often some initial improvement in the first few weeks after starting a new treatment, it takes at least 2-3 months of regular use before you can assess the full benefit of any acne treatment.

Acne: Fact And Fiction

Acne: Fact And Fiction
Acne: Fact And Fiction

Myths about acne die hard. Old wives tales about its causes continue to persist, in spite of scientific condition to the contrary. This article aims to shed light on some common myths about acne and attempts to separate fact from fiction.

Myth 1: People who have acne are unclean and maintain poor hygiene

There is absolutely no truth to this statement. Acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body. When the oil glands responsible for keeping our skin waterproof and moist, over react to produce excessive quantities of sebum, they block the associated hair follicle, causing clogged pores, which develops into acne. So hygiene has absolutely nothing to do with it. In fact unnecessary scrubbing of the skin can exacerbate the problem. Do take care of your skin though - wash your face gently and pat dry.

Myth 2: Eating the wrong foods will lead to acne

The fact is that there is no co-relation between what you eat and acne. The chocolates, the French fries, the cheese pizza, and all those other fatty foods that have been lambasted ever so often, because of their unhealthy consequence have no affect whatsoever on your skin. However, eating a well balanced diet makes sense. So while you don’t have to be concerned as to whether your favorite treat affects your skin (at least directly), do remember that it does affect your overall health.

Myth 3: Acne is caused by stress

The truth is that the stress that most of us experience as part of our day-to-day existence does not lead to acne. Sometimes, acne can arise as the side-effect of drugs taken to treat severe stress. Talk to your doctor to find out if your stress medication is responsible for your acne. Stress can however make an already existing acne condition worse.

Myth 4: Acne is a merely a cosmetic disease

Well, acne does affect the way you look and yes, it is considered a threat to your physical well being. However, the fact remains that in some cases acne can lead to permanent scarring which is more than just purely cosmetic. Acne affects people psychologically. It is known to affect their perception of themselves, their self-esteem and confidence and their interaction with others. It can cause feelings of frustration, depression and social embarrassment.

Myth 5: Acne can not be cured

With the kind of products that are available in the market today, there is no reason why anyone should have to suffer the agony caused by acne. The fact is that acne can be cleared up with the right medication and a regime specific to their needs. Consult your dermatologist if you have acne.


Acne Cysts And Their Treatment

Deep cysts, inflammation, extensive damage to the skin and scarring characterize severe acne. It often requires an aggressive treatment regimen and should be treated by a dermatologist. Severe forms of acne can require years of treatment and may experience one or more treatment failures. However, almost every case of acne can be successfully treated. There are five popular treatments for acne cysts. There are many effective treatments that are available currently.

Drainage and surgical excision, inner lesion corticosteroid injection, isotretinoin (a potent drug for treating severe cystic acne), oral antibiotics, and oral contraceptives are the most popular treatments. Some people may choose a more natural treatment for severe acne, which will also be covered briefly in this article.

Drainage and extraction, or acne surgery as it is also called, should not be performed by patients and is used on some large cysts that do not respond to medication and require drainage and extraction. Dermatologists are trained in the proper technique and perform acne surgery under sterile conditions. Patient attempts to drain and extract acne cysts, by squeezing or picking, can lead to infection, worsening of the acne and scarring.

When an acne cyst becomes severely inflamed, there is a good chance it will rupture and scarring will occur. To treat these severely inflamed cysts and prevent scarring, dermatologists may inject such cysts with a diluted corticosteroid. This lessens the inflammation and promotes healing of the acne cyst. An inner lesion corticosteroid injection works by melting the cyst over the course of a few days.

Oral antibiotics have been a basis of therapy for severe acne for many years. Like topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics work to reduce the "P. acnes". "P. Acnes" are normal residents on the skin, which decreases inflammation. Treatment with oral antibiotics usually begins with a high dosage, which is eventually reduced as the acne resolves. Over time, the "P. acnes" bacteria can become resistant to the treatment. When resistance occurs, another antibiotic can be prescribed or other treatment options may need to be explored.

Oral contraceptives have been shown to effectively clear acne in women by suppressing the overactive sebaceous glands. Oral contraceptives can be used as long-term acne therapy; however, this medication should not be prescribed to women who smoke, have a blood clotting disorder, are older than thirty-five or have a history of migraine headaches, without the advice of a gynecologist.

Spironolactone, a synthetic steroid, may be used in combination with oral contraceptives to treat acne in adult females. Spironolactone inhibits androgen, hormones that stimulate oil glands in addition to other effects on the body, production. There are possible side effects that may accompany Spironolactone treatment. A few side affects include irregular menstruation, breast tenderness, headache and fatigue.

Some people choose more natural ways to combat cystic acne. Some natural treatments are eating a whole foods diet that consists of only natural foods that have not been chemically or mechanically processed. Yoga or deep relaxation techniques may be used to reduce the amount of stress that is put on the body and the mind. Essential oils are another natural treatment that may be added to the diet of sufferers of severe acne.

Pre Diabetes

Type II Diabetes has become somewhat of an epidemic of late.  More and more people are being diagnosed with this potentially life threatening condition.  Type II Diabetes usually sets on later in life, although more younger people are being diagnosed every day with this disease.

According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 54 million people in the United States have pre diabetes.  Pre diabetes is a condition in which the blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be considered Type II diabetes.  Although pre diabetes is not a full fledged disease, it can also cause complications in the heart and blood circulation if left untreated.

The good news about pre diabetes is that with proper nutrition and the care of a physician, you can avoid being diagnosed with Type II diabetes.  The condition can reverse itself, but it does take work on the part of the individual, as well as compliance with the orders directed by your physician.

Obesity is also an epidemic in the United States and many in the medical community believe that this is contributory to the corresponding diabetic epidemic.  It is the general consensus of the medical community that obesity is a precursor to Type II diabetes.   Therefore, those who have pre diabetes can stave off the disease by making some healthy life choices that will eliminate their need for medication or insulin in later years.

One way to reverse the effects of pre diabetes is to maintain a healthy weight.  This can be easily accomplished through diet and exercise.  For those who feel that it is too much trouble to manage their weight or complain that they do not have the time to exercise, they need to realize that the time they spend exercising now can eliminate their time spent on dialysis.  While not all people with diabetes experience kidney failure, many do.  And when the kidneys fail, these patients must spend many hours each week, hooked up to a machine that functions as their kidneys.

Those who complain that they do not want to watch their diet can be reminded that it is easier to watch their diet than to inject themselves with insulin or monitor their blood glucose levels several times a day.  Those who feel that foods that are rich in carbohydrates are less expensive than healthier alternatives can be reminded of the cost of medications and doctor visits for those who refuse to take control of their condition right away.

While some people are pre disposed to diabetes through genetic factors, others acquire this disease by eating too many bad carbohydrates, being inactive and not maintaining a healthy weight.  If you have been told that you have pre diabetes, do not fret.  You can reverse this condition.  Begin an exercise regime, even if it only entails walking.  Take a look at the Glycemic Index that explains which foods diabetics should avoid and follow these suggestions.

See your doctor about being put on a weight loss program and make certain that he or she continues to monitor your blood glucose levels.  Pre diabetes does not have to turn into Type II diabetes.  By developing a healthier lifestyle, you can reverse this condition and lead a longer, healthier life.

Benefits of Juice

Eating raw foods is a way to give your body some of the nutrition it desperately needs. Many of us are at least slightly overweight, and even the morbidly obese are starving for essential proteins and amino acids. All the processed, cooked foods we eat give us only a small percentage of what we need. Consequently, we eat and eat and yet we're still not nourished. Psychologists try to tell us we're eating to make up for an emptiness in our souls. Wrong! Our bodies our empty and trying to tell us so.

Eating raw foods is good for us on so many levels. It's satisfying to eat them. They take more time to chew and swallow, so we don't eat as fast. And we're getting so much more in the way of nutrition by consuming fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouts.

It can take time to prepare raw foods, however. Which is why a juicer is an important addition to your kitchen once your start to be serious about raw foods. A good juicer can process an entire apple - seeds, stems, peel, pulp and all - and turn all that into a healthy, nutritious juice.

Buying apple juice is NOT the same thing!!! Don't even look at apple juices or even ciders in the grocery store. Put that $2 or $3 aside and save up for a juicer. Buy bags of apples, orange, bananas, carrots and make your own juices to get everything from the fruit that you'd get by eating it raw. Now you're getting juice that's as fresh as the fruit or vegetable you made it from.

No preservatives, no processing that strips most of the energy from the fruit. And think of all the delicious combinations you can make with the many tropical fruits that are available now in most grocery stores. You can customize your fruits and add non-typical ingredients like pumpkin to an orange juice. Now that's a powerhouse of a juice!

Abad Khilafah

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